Monday, August 13, 2007

Forest Moon Buns!

Here they are! My pretty maids all in a row. I call them Forest Moon Buns, because they make me think of Moon Buns wandering through the forest.
I love the way they turned out, but I'm just not a brain for color coordination. I actually turned to my husband several times for color help.
My only sadness is how long it takes me to make them.
They are available now at

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hooded Moon Bun

This little Moon Bun was part of an art trade with a friend. It was the first time I'd thought of clothing my Moon Buns.
I think she came out pretty darned cute. Had I only had the foresight to move that piece of grass in her face. *sigh* Oh well. I can tell people she's just munching on it.
Expect a slew of new hooded Moon Bun's to be cropping up at very soon!